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Jinan University Faculty of Communication


Dean's Message

Dear Students,

تحرص الكلية على إعداد خريجين متميزين في مجالات الإعلام المختلفة والعمل على تأهيلهم علمياً وبحثياً وتمكينهم من مهارات مهنية وتكنولوجية متطورة تواكب التغيرات الحاصلة في عالم الاعلام الجديد، وذلك لتهيئتهم لسوق العمل ورفع قدرتهم على المنافسة محلياً وخارجياً. وتسعى الكلية لتعزيز القيم الاجتماعية لدى طلابها ورفع مستوى المسؤولية لديهم، وتحفيزهم ليكونوا منتجين فاعلين طامحين لتطوير أنفسهم ودعم مجتمعهم وقضاياه.

Dean, Faculty of Communication
Prof. Jamal Noun



The Faculty Objectives

The Faculty of Communication at Jinan University has among its several goals to:

1- Prepare qualified personnel to work in the media market in the fields of press, printing and publishing, or in news agencies as editors, reporters or administrators, in addition to various other administrative tasks.

2- Prepare communication experts to be able to work for broadcasting institutions: as news editors, directors, producers, technicians or administrators, in addition to various other administrative tasks.

3- Promote scientific research in the media through graduate studies and specialized researches.

4- Raise the level of media workers in the Arab world in general, and especially in Lebanon.

5- Establish constructive cooperation with other media organizations.

6- Render the best service to Jinan University at the media level through a number of graduates whose name shines in the Arab world who took the shine in the space of the Arab world.

These goals can be achieved through an intensive training made within the university or in media institutions where students can develop their abilities and experience through practice, in addition to theoretical subjects that are given in classrooms.

Internal training takes place in the central professional studio created at the university to allow students filming any TV program by using a range of audio-visual techniques (such as cameras, editing and audio equipment.

During the training phase, students are subject to sessions dealing with the preparation and presentation of a TV program, audio-visual montage, diction, rhetoric and public relations.

At the end of their Bachelor stage, students produce many documentaries and films.

Majors and Programs - Faculty of Communication

Faculty of Communication

Communication - Postgraduate

Communication & Journalism - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Radio & Television - Master's Degree - 42 Credits

Communication - Undergraduate

Journalism - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits
Radio & Television - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits
Dean's Office
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Prof. Jamal Noun

Dean of the Faculty of Communication
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Ms. Amwaj Osta

Secretary of the Faculty of Communication
Secretary of Student Affairs (BA) Faculties of COM
M.PH. Public Health Genetics Jinan University
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Mrs. Jinane Kamal El Dine

Secretary of Student Affairs - Graduate Studies / Faculty COM
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Mrs. Mariam Raad

Secretary of Student Affairs (BA) Faculty of Communication
Department Heads
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Dr. Mohamad Abou Tarboush

Coordinator of the RTV Department
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Media and Communication Sciences.
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Dr. Ali Lamaa

Coordinator of the AGCV Department
Assistant Professor
Full-Time Faculty
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Prof. Oussama Kabbara

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Prof. Jamal Noun

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Dr. Zakariya Maher Baytiyeh

Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Mass Communication
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Dr. Mohamad Abou Tarboush

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Media and Communication Sciences.
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Dr. Ali Lamaa

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Nassab Nassouh Merheb

Assistant Professor / Mass Communication
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Dr. Farah Abdallah Fatfat

Assistant Professor
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Mrs. Aysha Al Sayed

Selected Part-Time Faculty
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Dr. Iskandar Succar

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Abdulrahman Sayed

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Informatics.
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Dr. Bahia Jamal

Assistant Professor
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Mr. Joe Lahoud

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Mrs. Mirey Hussein

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Mrs. Therese Douaihy

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Mrs. Randa Al Hallak

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Mrs. Fatima Hamwi

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Mrs. Hibatoullah Al Massri Al Chaarani

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Ms. Aseel Shalak

Dean's Office
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Prof. Jamal Noun

Dean of the Faculty of Communication
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Mr. Mohamad El-Arab

Administrative Coordinator of the Faculty of COM - Saida
Full-Time Faculty
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Dr. Yakthan Altakki Eddine

Assistant Professor
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Mrs. Fatima Shamdeen

Selected Part-Time Faculty
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Dr. Bassam Ibrahim Hammoud

Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Political Science
Islamic University, Lebanon
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Dr. Mounir Abou Daher

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Wael Najm

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Elias El Barrage

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Ali Awada

Assistant Professor
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Mr. Ayman El Masri

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Mr. Khalil Matbouli


Skills acquired upon graduation:

المهارات المكتسبة عند التخرج:

  • اجراء تحقيقات صحفية
  • اجراء تقارير صحفية مكتوبة ومصورة
  • تصميم واخراج صحفي
  • إعداد – تحرير – تقديم في المؤسسات الإعلامية
  • مونتاج- إخراج تلفزيوني وإذاعي
  • تصميم إعلانات
  • إدارة مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي
  • مراسل تلفزيوني
  • قيادة حملات إعلامية
  • قدرة على التحليل السياسي
  • قدرة على إنتاج البرامج
  • قدرة على إنتاج الأفلام الوثائقية
  • قدرة على إدارة وتحرير مواقع إلكترونية صحفية
  • إدارة المكاتب الإعلامية للمؤسسات النجارية والصحية
  • إدارة المكاتب الإعلامية للمنظمات والجهات السياسية
  • القدرة على التصوير باستخدام الطائرة
  • كتابة مقالات سياسية


بالإضافة إلى أنّ الكلية ومن خلال موادها الإختيارية الإلزامية، أصبح للطالب مهارات في الدبلجة وقدرة على كتابة السيناريو الدرامي والتلفزيوني.

مميزات الكلية

تتميز الكلية بكادرها التعليمي وبالتدريبات التي يحصل عليها الطالب من اعلاميين لديهم خبراتهم في العمل الميداني ان كان في الصحافة او الاذاعة والتلفزيون او في نطاق الاعلام الجديد. كما تتميز الكلية بوجود مواد خاصة كالدوبلاج الدرامي والكرتوني، كتابة السيناريو الدرامي والتلفزيوني، ادارة مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، وصحافة الموبايل وغيرها من المواد التي تزيد من فرص عمل الطالب، كما ان خريج الاعلام يصمم في الكلية موقعه الالكتروني الخاص به الذي يمكن أن يشكل له في المستقبل نواة عمل خاص.

فرص العمل:

  • مراسل تلفزيوني
  • منتج برامج تلفزيونية
  • معد برامج تلفزبونية وإذاعية
  • مقدم برامج تلفزيونية
  • مخرج صحفي إلكتروني
  • مخرج تلفزيوني
  • تنفيذ مواقع صحفية إلكترونية
  • العمل في شركات الإنتاج الفني
  • العمل في شركات الإعلان
  • العمل في مجال العلاقات العامة
  • العمل في التسويق السياسي
  • العمل في التقرير الصحفي وإعداد التقارير الصحفية في الصحف الإلكترونية
  • العمل في إدارة مواقع التواصل الإجنماعي
  • العمل في إدارة المكاتب الإعلامية للمنظمات والجهات السياسية
  • العمل كخبير إعلامي في المؤسسات التجارية والصحية والإجتماعية
  • العمل في مجال الدبلجة الدرامية والكرتونية
  • العمل في مجال كتابة السيناريو التلفزيوني والدرامي



Research Themes in the Faculty of Communication

for graduate students for the Academic year 2022-2023

  1. Electronic Media

  • Reality of the digital content in the Arab press on the Internet (press: scientific, sports, Children’s press, Women’s press)
  • A study of the content of Electronic Media Law and its impact on the freedom of journalistic
  • Consequences of elite’s adoption of different aspects of digital media
  • Digital media education skills of teenagers
  1. Dealing with Media coverage

  • Coverage of alternative media sites of major events (elections, wars, social problems)
  • Arab media coverage of international or regional crisis) Russian Ukrainian war, climate crisis, economic crisis, the Arab-Israeli conflict)
  • Arab media coverage of leaders’ speeches (to specify a particular person)
  • The social responsibility of the editor in chief during the coverage of regional crisis.
  1. Journalists and media professionals

  • Gratifications of journalists due to their personal presence on social media
  • The impact of the personal presence of journalists on social media on their profession
  • Journalists’ trends in Media law
  • Journalists’ trends in Journalistic code of ethics
  • Impact of journalists’ relationship with politicians on their profession
  • Media ethics
  1. Drama and Cinema

  • The image of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria ((ISIS) Daech) in Arab Drama
  • Treatment of cinema and TV series for Arab political conflicts
  • Arab scenes reliance on foreign drama
  • Female elite’ tendency to rely on women’s image in Drama
  • Image of Family relationships in Translated TV soap operas into Arabic
  • Studies of religious values in soap operas.
  1. Different titles

  • Communication strategies in media institutions
  • The impact of electronic advertising on consumer behavior
  • The impact of "influencers" on social media sites on consumer behavior
  • The role of advertising campaigns in dealing with crises (political, health, economic, social ...)
  • "Trends" of protests: An analytical study of electronic slogans in popular movements (Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt ... can be chosen as a model)
  • The impact of using information and communication technology on the performance of traditional media institutions
  • Media, advertising, and political marketing
  • Modern communication tools and devices
  • The economy of global organizations
  • Digital advertisements
  • Changes in advertising methods
  • Digital relationships and strategies
  • A study of the digitization of media industry in Arabic contexts ( problems, trends, and risks)
  • Web applications: their impact, trends, functions, and role
  • Shaping of mental images about various issues
  • A study of the strategic dimensions of media in relation to specific phenomena or issues
  • Soft wars in relation to political or global economic issues
  • The role of media in political and ideological changes
  • Studies in television production, television directing, and television preparation
  • Data journalism: its role, effects, and developments
  • Metaverse and the future of media
  • Media and artificial intelligence
  • Cyber journalism: its roles and developments
  • Digital radios
  • Media and economic development
  • Studies in media ideology on religious, political, and economic issues
  • Cybersecurity
  • Media and cultural dependency
  • Studies on media disinformation in addressing current issues
  • Contemporary trends in electronic journalism output
  • Studies on media language between the past and the present
  • War journalism, and the credibility of news and military issues
  • Cartoon characters and their role in influencing children
  • Women's journalistic work: influencing factors
  • Investigative journalism in the Arab world


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