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جامعة الجنان كلية العلوم


Dean's Message

Letter from the Dean to incoming students,

Dear future scientist, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Jinan University and to the faculty of Sciences.

A high quality education and specialized scientific training in various areas of modern science is what our faculty will offer you. Whichever pathway in Science you choose; we will give you the right tools to put you on the road to success.

At Jinan University, you will be part of a dynamic and diverse student body that defies all limitations of unfortunate circumstance. Throughout your journey as part of the faculty of Sciences, you and your colleagues will be exposed to a multitude of academic and social experiences that will shape you into a selection of innovative men and women of Science.

The Faculty of Sciences at Jinan University takes pride in the strong emphasis it puts on establishing short roads between its professors and their students. The faculty also dedicates sincere effort to building bridges among its students and alumni. Within these strong lines of communication, the family of Sciences thrives in a tight-knit and comfortable atmosphere that cannot be matched elsewhere.

Our highly dedicated academic staff constitutes the foundation on which the faculty of Sciences continues to flourish and grow. Impeccable levels of expertise and unwavering enthusiasm have managed to eliver the faculty to new heights of academic excellence.

We are strongly committed to teaching our students to be leaders and trendsetters in a world characterized by a continuous outflow of technologies and new scientific discoveries.

Our alumni, currently scattered throughout the globe, are competently engaging in a variety of academic and industrial endeavors. Caring, committed and focused on making a difference, our students are helping to forge new paths that serve Science and humanity as a whole.

We encourage you to learn more about our faculty and we would be glad to receive your inquiries, as the story of the faculty of Sciences is one that we love to share.

With Warm Regards,

Dr. Azza Dib
Dean, Faculty of Sciences


أهداف الكلية

تهـدف كليـة العلـوم إلـى إثـراء العمليـة التعليميـة علـى الصعيـدين الإقليمـي والدولـي. فالكليـة عضـو فـي برنامـج التبـادل الأكاديمـي التركـي Mevlana الـذي يتيـح فـرص تبـادل الزيـارات الأكاديميـة للطلاب وللهيئـة التعليمــة، بيــن جامعــة الجنــان وشــبكة مــن أقــوى الجامعــات التركيــة. كمــا تطمــح إلــى إعــداد اختصاصييـن فـي العلـوم يتمتعـون بأعلـى درجـات الكفـاءة وعلـى مسـتوى توقعـات وحاجـات سـوق العمـل، عبـر تعزيـز قدراتهـم التنافسـية ليتمكنـوا مـن متابعـة دراسـاتهم العليـا.

Majors and Programs - Faculty of Science

كلية العلوم

Sciences - Undergraduate

Biology - Bachelor of Science - 98 Credits
Biochemistry - Bachelor of Science - 98 Credits
Computer Science - Bachelor of Science - 98 Credits
Dean's Office
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Dr. Azza Dib

Acting Dean of the Faculty of Sciences
Ph.D. developmental biology and molecular genetics, Toulouse, France.
Masters in Stem Cells, Paris, France
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Mrs. Farah Daboussy

Secretary of the Faculty of Sciences
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Ms. Rawan Beyrouthy

Secretary of Student Affairs (BA) Faculty of Sciences
Department Heads
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Dr. Bassel Marhaba

Head of Computer Science Department
Assistant Professor
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Ms. Lawahez Sablouh

LAB responsible of Sciences Laboratories
M.A. Medical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases
Lebanese University.
Full -Time Faculty
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Dr. Samer Bayda

Associate Professor
Ph.D. Nanotechnology, University of Trieste, Italy
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Dr. Azza Dib

Associate Professor
Ph.D. developmental biology and molecular genetics, Toulouse, France.
Masters in Stem Cells, Paris, France
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Dr. Hanan Hijazi

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Molecular Physics
Beirut Arab University, Lebanon.
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Dr. Bassel Marhaba

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Mostafa Hazim

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Rami Safarjalani

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Samar Allouch

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Noura Obeid

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Bouchra Rafei

Assistant Professor
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Mr. Ziad Hoblos

Master in Computer Science
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Mr. Mohamad Mahmoud Chendeb

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Ms. Lawahez Sablouh

M.A. Medical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases
Lebanese University.
Selected Part-Time Faculty
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Dr. Berna Hamad

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Claude Bernard University - Lyon 1, France
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Dr. Nouha Sari

Assistant Professor
Ph.D in chemistry and applied biotechnology, Lebanese University
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Dr. Monzer Awwad

Assistant Professor
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Dr. Rawa Abdallah

Assistant Professor
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Mr. Talal Mohamed Saadieh

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Mr. Mostafa Awad

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Mrs. Randa Al Ali

M.Sc., Medical Microbiology, Lebanese University, Lebanon
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Mr. Mohamad Wissam Al Halabi

M.PH. in Public Health Genetics - Jinan University
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Mrs. Sara Hindi Zakaria

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Mrs. Sarah Lazkani

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Mr. Omar Alagha

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Mr. Ihab Kamal Aldine

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Mrs. Sara Hamze

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Mrs. Israa Tartoussi


المهارات المكتسبة عند التخرج:

1. علم الأحياء: يهدف هذا البرنامج إلى إعداد كوادر علمية مؤهلة للحصول على أفضل فرص العمل في الوظائف الحكومية والصناعية والجامعية. كما تشكل دراسة علم الأحياء مدخلا" هاما" يتيح للطالب متابعة دراسته في كليات الطب وطب الأسنان و الدراسات العليا في علم الأحياء. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يكتسب الطالب في هذا المجال مهارة تقدير المخلوقات الحية من حوله بروعتها وجمالها وتنوعها فرادتها.

2. الكيمياء والكيمياء الحيوية: يوفر برنامجي الكيمياء والكيمياء الحيوية للطالب أجواء" علمية مليئة بالإثارة والتحدي تدعوه ليكتشف من خلالها المواد التي تشكل عالمنا الحي، عبر شحذ قدراته الذهنية والمنطقية، واستكشاف العلاقة بين مجالي الكيمياء والكيمياء الحيوية وغيرها من العلوم والعالم كلل. يزخر المنهاج بالممارسات التطبيقية التي تسمح للطالب باختبار مدى عمق وروعة هذين المجالين، لإعدادهم ليصبحوا الجيل القادم من كبار الباحثين والمربين.

3. المعلوماتية: يتدرب طلاب برنامج المعلوماتية على علوم إدارة البيانات والشبكات، وإدارة وإنشاء التصاميم، وتحليل المواقع، والبرمجيات، وتطوير مواقع الانترنت وهندسة الشبكات. كما يرتكز برنامج المعلوماتية في جامعة الجنان على مزيج فريد من المحاضرات والتطبيقات العلمية في المختبر. في عصر التحولات السريعة في مجال البرمجة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات، تزداد المنافسة بين خريجي المعلوماتية في القطاعات المتنامية في لبنان والمنطقة والتي تضم شركات التقنيات ومعاهد تعليم تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات، والمؤسسات الاستشارية والمصرفية والمالية والخدماتية.

لاتّجاهات البحثية في كليّة العلوم

يشارك أعضاء الهيئة التعليمية في كلية العلوم بالنشاطات الخاصّة بمجال البحث العلمي. وتجرى بعض المشاريع البحثية في الكليّة بالتعاون مع مجموعات علمية محلية وإقليمية ودولية. تشمل اتجاهات البحوث في الكلية:

  1. رصد ومراقبة الجراثيم المقاومة للأدوية المتعدّدة في لبنان.

  2. تقييم الأنشطة المبيدة للجراثيم لمستخلصات النباتات الطبية الخاصّة بلبنان

  3. التباين الوراثي في الشعب اللبناني وعلاقته بحالات الصحة والمرض.

  4. تأثير زواج الأقارب كقوة انتقائية وعلاقته بالطفرات الجينية.

  5. التباين الوراثي وتأثيره على الحَرائِكُ الدَّوائِيَّةُ والدِّينَامِيكا الدَّوائِيَّة أثناء الاستجابة للعلاج الصيدلاني.

Laboratories of Sciences

One of the great benefits of studying Science at Jinan University is the access to advanced laboratory facilities located across the University. With its various thriving departments, including Biology, Biochemistry, and Computer Science, the faculty boasts two impressive laboratory divisions, the Central Laboratory and the Computer Science laboratories.

1 - The Central Laboratory for Biology and Biochemistry Departments

This facility is located one floor below the ground level in the main building in the Tripoli Campus. It is an impressively generous space divided into three independent sections which serve as both teaching and research laboratories for the faculties of Science and Public Health. The laboratory’s infrastructure has been designed according to professional standards that suit and complement the implementation and utilization of a wide range of scientific equipment and machinery. The laboratory is provided with constant air conditioning and proper ventilation to ensure convenient working temperature for individuals as well as for experimental material and supplies.

The first section:

The first section, entitled as the “Biochemistry Laboratory”, provides ample and effective learning space for all topics pertaining to chemistry and biochemistry concepts and principles. The Biochemistry laboratory includes a wide array of top rate equipment and supplies typically found in advanced and professional chemistry and biochemistry lab settings.

Safety measurements are of monumental importance in this lab and are ensured by the installment and availability of safety tools and equipment to which the students are accustomed at the beginning of every semester. These include but are not limited to chemical fume hoods, safety showers, eyewash stations and fire extinguishers. This section of the main laboratory is also provided with an overhead projector which aims to serve in a more comprehensive learning experience through the demonstration of explanatory videos and oral presentations.

The second section:

The second section of this division, entitled as the Microbiology Laboratory, serves as the perfect playground for all techniques, protocols and equipment necessary for the examination and assessment of the microbiological world and all its related fields. This lab is perfectly equipped to ensure aseptic techniques during the preparation of media and the handling of microorganisms and their culturing. This area, similar to the Biochemistry Laboratory, is organized to accommodate up to 16 students per laboratory session. With 8 stations, set up to meet the requirements of a microbiologist, students can work in pairs; two students per station. The available equipment includes but is not limited to the following: incubator, autoclave, Bunsen burners, analytical balance, vortex mixers, hot plates and all other microbiological tools found in typical microbiological settings.

The third section:

The third section is entitled as the General Biology Laboratory and represents the common area of the facility which is supplied with a significant number of hi-tech microscopes and a general-purpose working space. The available high quality microscopes serve as integral part of the General Biology, Zoology and Botany laboratory course work.

2 - The Computer Science Laboratories for Computer Science Department:

The Faculty of Sciences has established three computer science laboratories equipped with more than sixty high-performance computers in order to support the educational process of the department’s students and to ensure that they are exposed to the practical experience needed to become highly qualified computer-programmers.

The faculty has also supplied the laboratories with all of the accessories necessary to accomplish the academic objectives of the computer laboratory coursework. These include but are not limited to headsets, network switches for internet provision, WIFI routers, internet DSL connection, in addition to smart televisions and whiteboards.

Furthermore, essential software programs have been downloaded to the computers thus enabling students to carry out the assignments requested by their instructors and to implement the required tasks.

Following is a list of most of the software programs that have been installed on the computers:

  • Windows
  • MS Office
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • JAVA
  • Apache NetBeans
  • Eclipse
  • Arduino
  • Logisim
  • XAMP
  • Sublime
  • Android Studio
  • Oracle DB
  • SQLite

…and more.

أخبار كلية العلوم


نماذج نجاح كلية العلوم

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