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جامعة الجنان

التخصصات والبرامج

كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية

Literature & Humanities - Postgraduate

Shariaa and Islamic Studies - Ph.D. Degree - 54 Credits
Arabic Language - Ph.D. Degree - 54 Credits
Translation and Languages - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Shariaa and Islamic Studies - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Arabic Language - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Quranic Readings and Islamic Studies - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Translation and Languages - Honors - 22 Credits
Scientific Facts in the Quran and Sunnah - Master's Degree - 42 Credits

Literature & Humanities - Undergraduate

Islamic Studies - Honors Degree - 144 Credits
Translation and Languages - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits

كلية إدارة الأعمال

Business Administration - Postgraduate

Philosophy of Business Administration - Ph.D. Degree - 54 Credits
Management - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Marketing - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Accounting - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Finance - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Business Information Technology - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Project Management - Master's Degree - 42 Credits

Business Administration - Undergraduate

General Management - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits
Marketing & Management - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits
Business Information Technology - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits
Accounting & Finance - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits

كلية الإعلام

Communication - Postgraduate

Communication & Journalism - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Radio & Television - Master's Degree - 42 Credits

Communication - Undergraduate

Journalism - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits
Radio & Television - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits

كلية الصحة العامة

Public Health - Postgraduate

Control of Infectious Diseases - Masters in Public Health - 36 Credits
Health Education - Masters in Public Health - 36 Credits
Public Health Genetics - Masters in Public Health - 36 Credits

Public Health - Undergraduate

Medical Laboratory Technology - Bachelor of Science in Public Health - 99 Credits
Medical Social Assistance - Bachelor of Science in Public Health - 99 Credits
Nursing Sciences - Bachelor of Science in Public Health - 99 Credits
Nursing Express Program - Bachelor of Science in Public Health-Nurs-Ex - 50 Credits

كلية التربية

Education - Postgraduate

Management and Educational Planning - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Curriculum and Teaching Methods - Master's Degree - 42 Credits
Kindergarten - Teaching Diploma - 30 Credits
Primary Education - Teaching Diploma - 30 Credits
Arabic - Teaching Diploma - 30 Credits
French - Teaching Diploma - 30 Credits
English - Teaching Diploma - 30 Credits
Economics - Teaching Diploma - 30 Credits
Social Sciences - Teaching Diploma - 30 Credits

Education - Undergraduate

Kindergarten - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits
School Elementary Teaching - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits

كلية العلوم

Sciences - Undergraduate

Biology - Bachelor of Science - 98 Credits
Biochemistry - Bachelor of Science - 98 Credits
Computer Science - Bachelor of Science - 98 Credits

معهد العلوم السياسية

Political Science - Postgraduate

Human Rights - Master's Degree - 42 Credits

Political Science - Undergraduate

Political Science - Bachelor Degree - 99 Credits

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